
The NYCDGA is dedicated to growing a diverse and inclusive community of disc golfERS in New York City to bring the benefits of the sport to everyone.

The NYCDGA is dedicated to growing the sport of disc golf in New York City. Our goals are to provide disc golfers and newcomers with opportunities to play and compete by creating a diverse community of players; to make the sport accessible to all residents with educational outreach programs in parks and schools; and to serve local communities with initiatives like park clean-ups. 

Volunteering Initiatives

At the heart of our mission is service to community and devotion to education. In the current year, we have organized 15+ volunteer days—over once a month—for things like park clean ups, where over 50 volunteers have removed 120 of bags of trash from public parks. As a part of our outreach we have held educational programs at 9 local schools introducing over 300 local students to disc golf. Our community efforts are meant to ensure that disc golf is more than a pastime—but a catalyst for positive change and community building.

Create Opportunities to Play Disc Golf

The NYCDGA is organized around providing and fostering a community of disc golfers in the city. We organize disc golf leagues, tournaments, and other events; bag tag leagues, as well as, continuously create opportunities for diversifying the sport. 

Growing the Marketplace

The NYCDGA is dedicated to creating a NYC-based market for disc golf-related enterprises. As a part of that we partner with local businesses to help serve disc golfers, as well as provide opportunities for local disc golf companies to build a base of support, ensuring visibility, exposure, and opportunities to showcase products. 

NYCDGA structure

The NYC DGA is organized into 5 committees that are driven and managed by members.

The committees are:

  • Advocacy & Partnerships: Spearheading disc golf adoption in NYC through partnerships and advocacy efforts (physical places to play, partner programming, etc.) 
  • Community Impact & Education: Enhancing community well-being through education, events, and park volunteer efforts. 
  • Events & Fun: Organizing engaging events, tournaments, leagues, and meetups. It’s a real par-tee.
  • Content & Awareness: Crafting content to amplify awareness of disc golf!
  • Internal Operations: Ensuring smooth organizational functioning for NYC DGA.

Interested in joining a committee? Reach out

2025 NYCDGA Leadership


Alex Bender
Alex Bender


Brian Burton
Brian Burton
Curtiss Calleo Photo
Curtiss calleo
Bradley Campbell
Bradley Campbell
Betty Kean
Nathan Munster headshot
Griffin Tschurwald Photo

Annual Impact Report

Want to see how we’ve been impacting New York City? Our Annual Impact Report highlights our accomplishments, financial performance, and goals for the future.

Some Cool Facts

SOme of our Numbers

Years of Experience
Completed Projects

Innovative Solutions

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Quality Unsurpassed

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We Are The Creators You Can Trust On For A Perfect Solution To All Your Needs.

JOIN THE NYCDGA leadership

The NYCDGA Leadership is looking for members who are ready to contribute to the club and grow our community. Bring your passion, ideas, and energy.

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